Friday, May 18, 2007

UK - Waitrose carrier bag trials welcomed by WRAP

Supermarketchain Waitrose's two-week carrier bags trials, which begin on May 14, 2007, have been welcomed by WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme). The two trials will introduce new 'green tills' which are carrier bag-free in 14 stores, and will also test a single bag-less store in East Anglia for the same period.

Commenting on Waitrose's plans, WRAP's Chief Executive Dr Liz Goodwin, said: "These customer trials are another example of how leading retailers are responding to the Agreement to reduce the environmental impact of carrier bags by 25% by 2008. The trials are designed to gauge Waitrose customers' reactions to different approaches to reducing bag use, including an entirely bag-less supermarket. This is exactly the kind of initiative we are looking for from the signatories of the Agreement."

"We are also delighted that Waitrose now provide their customers with bag recycling facilities at each outlet, and that they are introducing more recycled material into their carrier bags, in an effort to cut back on the total usage of oil based plastics, and to encourage recycling. We hope the trials are successful and look forward to the results."
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