Thursday, September 21, 2006

Europe - Why does the strategy opt for national waste prevention programmes?

One of the findings from the analysis conducted for the strategy is that there is no single waste prevention measure that could work in all Member States, due to the variety of cultural and geographical conditions. Prevention can only be achieved through a basket of measures that are most effective when designed and applied at a national or even regional or local level. The Commission therefore concluded that it would be most effective to require Member States to develop waste prevention programmes, at the same time leaving them the freedom to determine which measures will be most effective. The national waste prevention programmes would be mandatory and would have to be developed within three years of the entry into force of the revised Waste Framework Directive. These programmes must aim at breaking the link between economic growth and the environmental impacts associated to the generation of waste. The Member States must take into consideration the measures listed in Annex four to the proposed Directive and are required to determine targets and indicators for the measures they include in their national programmes. This will be the best way of achieving cost effective waste prevention.

From "Thematic Strategy on the prevention and recycling of waste and the proposal for the revision of the Waste Framework Directive" Look for question 13 to find European headline waste statistics with a single clear reference. A useful FAQ document from the European Commission arms you with statements and a reference

Technorati Tags: waste minimisation

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